Pak Hung, LAM

Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University

Curriculum vitae

Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity

Duke University

Pak Hung, LAM

Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University


Pak Hung, LAM

Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University

Curriculum vitae

Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity

Duke University

I am currently a postdoc at the Cook Center at Duke University. My research focuses on development, environmental, energy, and health economics. I am also interested in industrial policy and inequality. Prior to joining Duke, I completed a Ph.D. in Social Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2023 and was a Postgraduate Fellow at the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the Yale University. Reach me at

Prior to Ph.D. study, I graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong with a B.Soc.Sc. in Economics and from National Taiwan University with a Master in Agricultural Economics.
Recent Works
Tapping into Excess Capacity: Chinese Machinery Export and African Industrialization.
Accepted in the Trade and Uneven Development Conference, co-organized by World Bank and the Journal of International Economics and invited to submit to Journal of International Economics
with Yatang Lin, Fangyuan Peng, Jin Wang

Quantity-Quality Trade-off in Northeast China during the Qing Dynasty.
Journal of Population Economics, 2023, 1-38.
with Yu Bai and Yanjun Li 

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